Nursery Sales

Mahonia confusa 'Narihira'

Narihira' is a mounding, evergreen variety that will reach 3-4' tall and wide. Its narrow, dark-green foliage is contrasted with yellow flowers in the fall.

Mahonia confusa 'Narihira'

Narihira' is a mounding, evergreen variety that will reach 3-4' tall and wide. Its narrow, dark-green foliage is contrasted with yellow flowers in the fall.

Mahonia x media ?Underway?

This variety is prized for its outstanding fall colors with blazing-red and dark-green foliage and vibrant-yellow flower stalks. It keeps an upright growth habit, reaching 6-8' tall and 4-6' wide.

Diospyros Kaki 'Fuyu'

The 'Fuyu' persimmon will produce bright orange fruit that ripens in late fall. Fruit is good for both cooking and eating fresh. Some varieties are self pollinating, but most require a male and a female to produce fruit. Will get 20-30' tall and wide.