Nursery Sales

Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'

Annabelle' has dark green leaves with pale green undersides that turn yellow in fall. White flowers bloom from late spring into late summer. Quickly reaches 4-5' tall and wide.

Rosa x 'WEKroalt'

Fourth of July' is a climbing rose that grows 8-10' tall and 4-6' wide. Deep-green foliage contrasts against red and white striped blooms. Sweet fragrance.

Rosa x 'WEKpaltlez'

Hot Cocoa is a stunning floribunda rose that grows 4.5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. The unique blooms are smoky chocolate-orange overlaid with a lavendar wash. The 3.5" double blooms have an average of 25-30 petals and emit a moderate fruity fragrance. Rich, well-drained soil is prefered. Reblooms late spring to fall. Zone 5-9

Rosa x 'JACopper'

Veterans' Honor' is a upright, bushy hybrid tea rose that grows 4-6' tall and 3-5' wide. It produces true-red, raspberry-scented blooms. Disease resistant.

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