Nursery Sales

Acer rubrum 'PNI 0268'

October Glory Red Maple. The 'October Glory' is prized for its vivid-red fall foliage and its dense, rounded growth habit. This variety will reach 40-50' tall and 20-30' wide at maturity. Holds foliage into late fall.

Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165'

The 'Low Scape Mound' is the smallest aronia variety and is great for container planting and small garden spaces. It will reach 1-2' tall and wide. It produces fragrant, white flowers in the spring and its green foliage turns orange-red in the fall.

Rhus aromatica 'Gro-Low'

Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac. This native sumac grows 1-2' tall and 6-8' wide, creating a groundcover effect. Rounded foliage takes on rusty-red tones in the fall with yellow undertones. Foliage emits a lemony scent when crushed.