

Our enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable perennials team is here to answer your questions and help you choose the best perennials for your situation. There’s always something in bloom for sun, shade, butterflies, birds or deer resistance  as well as a variety of bulbs for your space.

Stroll through our time-tested favorites and introduce yourself to the newest varieties. We garden with perennials too; we love them and it shows!

Hibiscus 'Ballet Slippers'

Large white ruffled flowers with a red center and blush pink edges. Upright, shrub-like. USDA 4-9

Hibiscus 'Perfect Storm' PP27880

Pink-blushed white flowers contrast against dark, purple foliage. Shrub-like habit. USDA 4-9

Hosta sieboldiana 'Frances Williams'

Round, crinkled blue leaves edged in gold. White flowers bloom mid-summer. USDA 3-8

Hosta 'Sum & Substance'

Large glossy gold foliage. Fragrant white blooms. USDA 3-8

Ligularia 'The Rocket'

Huge lemon-yellow flower spikes. Deep purple stems. Large green, toothed foliage. USDA 4-8