Japanese Maples

Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'

The Full Moon maple is prized for its deeply-lobed, fern-like leaves that turn from rich to green to vibrant crimson in the fall. It is a mid-sized variety with a rounded growth habit, reaching 8-10' tall and wide at maturity.

Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'

The Full Moon maple is prized for its deeply-lobed, fern-like leaves that turn from rich to green to vibrant crimson in the fall. It is a mid-sized variety with a rounded growth habit, reaching 8-10' tall and wide at maturity.

Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'

The Full Moon maple is prized for its deeply-lobed, fern-like leaves that turn from rich to green to vibrant crimson in the fall. It is a mid-sized variety with a rounded growth habit, reaching 8-10' tall and wide at maturity.

Acer shirasawanum 'Moonrise'

The 'Moonrise' is prized for its large leaves that emerge vibrant red and age to rich green with red centers before turning golden-yellow and orange in the fall. It is a mid-sized, upright variety that will reach 10-12' tall and 5-6' wide at maturity. Excellent specimen plant.

Acer shirasawanum 'Moonrise'

The 'Moonrise' is prized for its large leaves that emerge vibrant red and age to rich green with red centers before turning golden-yellow and orange in the fall. It is a mid-sized, upright variety that will reach 10-12' tall and 5-6' wide at maturity. Excellent specimen plant.

Acer shirasawanum 'Moonrise'

The 'Moonrise' is prized for its large leaves that emerge vibrant red and age to rich green with red centers before turning golden-yellow and orange in the fall. It is a mid-sized, upright variety that will reach 10-12' tall and 5-6' wide at maturity. Excellent specimen plant.