
Prunus armeniaca 'Blenheim'

The 'Blenheim' variety is famous in California for its production of sweet, aromatic fruit that is great for canning and drying. Produces fruit that will ripen in mid-late July depending on the climate. Will average at 10-15' tall and wide, but pruning is suggested to maintain its smaller size. Great pollinator for other apricot varieties.

Rubus x 'APF-236T'

Baby Cakes' is a dwarf, thornless variety that is perfect for patio pots and container gardening. It stays 3-4' tall and wide and will produce two crops of berries. Large, sweet, juicy berries will ripen in mid-July and early-September. It is self pollinating, but will produce greater yeild by having other pollinators nearby.

Pyrus communis 'Moonglow'

The 'Moonglow' produces large, red-blushed fruit with a soft, juicy texture. Harvest will ripen in mid-September and crop will be more abundant when this tree is paired with other pear varieties, like 'Bartlett' and 'Seckel'. Dwarf variety will get 8-10' tall and wide.

Pyrus x 'Seckel'

The 'Seckel' produces small, dessert pears that are super sweet with a hint of spice. These sweet, juicy fruits are often used in cooking, canning and fresh eating. This variety gets 15-20' tall and 12-15' wide. Harvest will ripen mid-September.

Prunus salicina

The 'Methley' produces large clusters of sweet, purple-red plums that are great for fresh eating, cooking and preserves. This variety is a heavy producer and is quite disease resistant. Will get 10-12' tall and wide and fruit will ripen in mid-July. Fragrant white flowers emerge in early spring, adding seasonal interest.

Prunus salicina 'Shiro'

The 'Shiro' produces large clusters of bright yellow plums with a juicy, rich flesh. This variety is a heavy producer, with fruit ripening late-July through mid-August. This variety reaches 12-15' tall and wide, but can be pruned to maintain a smaller size. Does well when pollinated by other varieties, like the 'Redheart' and 'Methley'.

Prunus domestica 'Yellow Egg'

This dwarf variety produces golden yellow, egg-shaped plums. These plums are generally used for cooking, but their delicious honey flavor and tangy skin make them great for canning, jamming and fresh eating. This variety gets 8-10' tall and wide.

Rubus idaeus 'NR7' PP 22,141

The 'Raspberry Shortcake' is a thornless variety that grows 2-3' tall and wide. Its compact nature makes it great for container gardening. Berries will ripen in late-July or early-July.

Rubus occidentalis 'Anne' PP10411

The 'Yellow Anne' variety produces sunshine colored fruit with a hint of apricot flavor. Sweet, firm berries are great for jams, tarts and salads. First crop will ripen early-July through August and second crop will ripen September through frost. Will get 4-6' tall and 3-4' wide.