
Apple 'crimson Crisp' 7g

Its flesh is light yellow, dense and firm- almost hard but give a truly unforgettable crunch. It is from these two traits, the color and crunch, where the Crimson Crisp gets its name.

Bred to be resistant to apple scab, the apple trees is upright and rounded and apples grow along new wood. This tree is great for residential and commercial orchards as the apples ripen in September and hold to the tree for 4 weeks.

Elderberry 'samdal' 2g

Plants are vigorous, producing long shoots from soil level one growing season and bearing fruit the next. These are removed after bearing and replaced by the current year's growth. This makes the plant easy to prune and manage as a bush. Large fruit clusters with good flavor ripen in August each year. Berries have very high anthocyanin content--very good for you! This is the more productive variety, but both varieties are required for cross pollination in a ratio of 1 Samyl : 5 Samdal.

Elderberry 'samyl'

This variety will provide good cross-pollination when paired with the Samdal variety. Samyl has particularly high-quality flowers.has a vigorous, bushy habit that is similar to Samdal, but not as dense. Plants are partially self fruitful, but planting two S. nigra cultivars will assure better fruit production for both.