Shrubs Flowering

Hydrangea macrophylla x serrata 'After Midnight'

Dark-pink or purplish-blue, mophead flowers bloom for an extensive growth period. Will reach 4-5' tall and wide at maturity.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hokomarevo'

Long lasting flowers contain a combination of deep-pink and maroon or blue with green tones as they age. Sturdy mophead blooms stand on thick, upright stems. Grows to be 2-3' tall and wide.

Hydrangea macrophylla 'Berner

Reliable reblooming hydrangea that flowers on both old and new wood. Extra-large, vividly colored, mopheaded flowers. Reaches 2-3' tall and wide.

Hydrangea macrophylla Let's Dance? Rave?

Let's Dance Rave' showcases vibrant blooms on old and new wood. Lush flower heads are dark purple or blue. Grows to be 2-'3 tall and wide.

Hydrangea serrata 'Tuff Stuff'

Tuff Stuff' produces creamy flowers that age to intense-pink. Grows 2-3' tall and wide and is great for smaller garden spaces.