Nursery Sales

Malus x domestica 'McIntosh'

This cold-hardy variety produces crisp, sweet, mildly tart fruit that ripens in mid-September. The 'McIntosh' is a manageable sized tree with large, reachable fruits within the first 6-10' of growth. They average out at 15-20' tall and 8-10' wide and create quite an abundant crop when paired with a pollinator, such as the 'Jonathan' and 'Liberty' varieties.

Cornus x 'KN30-8' PP16,309

Venus' has a broad, rounded growth habit, reaching 15-20' tall and wide at maturity. It produces massive clusters of large, true-white flowers in late spring that persist into summer.

Cornus x 'KN30-8' PP16,309

Venus' has a broad, rounded growth habit, reaching 15-20' tall and wide at maturity. It produces massive clusters of large, true-white flowers in late spring that persist into summer.

Vitis labrusca 'Concord'

The 'Concord' grape is an American classic. Sweet, purple grapes ripen in late-September and are ideal for making jams, jellies, grape juice and wine. This seeded variety will grow 15-20' long, but can be pruned to a more managable size if necessary. May need protection from harsh winter winds.