
Rubus x 'Navaho'

The 'Navaho' produces a large crop of juicy, sweet fruits that will ripen in mid-summer. This is a thornless variety that averages 4-5' tall and 3-4' wide. Fruits are great for jams, jellies and fresh eating.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Blueray'

The 'Blueray' produces large, firm berries with extra sweetness, making them great for fresh eating and baking. Fruit will ripen mid-July, and this variety will bear a larger crop when paired with other pollinators. Can get up to 6-8' tall and wide, but can be pruned in late winter to maintain a managable size. The 'Blueray' is a great pollinator for other varieties. Does best in organically rich soil.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Duke'

Duke Blueberry. Duke' is a late bloomer and early-ripener, producing beatiful pinkish-white flowers in late spring and large, flavorful berries that ripen late-May to early-June. It produces consistently abundant crops and flourishes when paired with other pollinating varieties. This plant will reach 4-6' tall and wide and its extremely large berries have been known to grown as large as a quarter. Their tangy-sweet flavor makes them great for fresh eating, preserves and baking.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Jersey'

The 'Jersey' blueberry is one of the most widely grown varieties due to its consistently high yeilds and sweet flavor. It is a late-season variety, ripening in late-July to August. It is self-fertile, but will produce more abundant crop when planted with other varieties. It will grow 6-8' tall and wide and will be covered with firm, crack resistant berries.

Blueberry 'sapphire Cascade'

Hang this plant next to your colorful annuals for a beautiful and delicious combination. Clusters of classic and sweet tasting blueberries will cover the plants throughout the season, and the leaves will turn deep red and green in the winter months.