Nursery Sales

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Blueray'

The 'Blueray' produces large, firm berries with extra sweetness, making them great for fresh eating and baking. Fruit will ripen mid-July, and this variety will bear a larger crop when paired with other pollinators. Can get up to 6-8' tall and wide, but can be pruned in late winter to maintain a managable size. The 'Blueray' is a great pollinator for other varieties. Does best in organically rich soil.

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Jersey'

The 'Jersey' blueberry is one of the most widely grown varieties due to its consistently high yeilds and sweet flavor. It is a late-season variety, ripening in late-July to August. It is self-fertile, but will produce more abundant crop when planted with other varieties. It will grow 6-8' tall and wide and will be covered with firm, crack resistant berries.

Buddleia 'Grand Cascade'

The 'Grand Cascade' is truly a sight to behold, producing massive clusters of extra large lavender blooms that can get up to 4 inches thick. Blooms are fragrant and attract many beneficial pollinators, including many different varieties of butterflies. Can get 5-7' tall and 6-8' wide. A stunning specimen for any garden space.

Cephalanthus occidentalis

The buttonbush is a native shrub that attracts an abundance of beneficial pollinators. Its large, white, fragrant blooms emerge in early summer and persist through the season. This variety can reach 8-12' tall and 6-8' wide. Tolerates wet conditions.

Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red'

Winter Red Winterberry. The 'Winter Red' produces clusters of red berries in the fall that persist into winter on bare stems. This variety will reach 6-8' tall and wide at maturity. Best berry set when pollinated by Southern Gentleman.

Rosa x 'WEKvaldaom'

Lady in Red' is a stunning climbing rose that grows 8-10' tall and 6-8' wide. Rich, velvety red blooms are produced from late spring to fall. Soft, tea rose fragrance.