Sun Perennials A-i

Achillea millefolium Desert Eve? Deep Rose

Carefree, compact, early-flowering yarrow with vibrant blooms and fern-like foliage. USDA 4-9

Achillea millifolium Desert Eve? Yellow

Compact with fern-like foliage and lemon to mustard yellow blooms. Blooms early summer to early fall. USDA 4-9

Gaillardia aristata 'Spintop'

Excellent cut flower. Beaitful long bloomer from summer to fall. USDA 6-10

Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae

Green leaves in rosettes. Evergreen groundcover. USDA 6-8

Iberis sempervirens Snowsurfer? 'Forte'

White blooms. Uniform mounding evergreen groundcover. USDA 4-8