Sun Perennials A-i

Artemisia arborescens 'Powis Castle'

Outstanding silver-green, lacy leaves and stems. Excellent contrast plant in the sunny perennial garden. Drought tolerant. Deer resistant. USDA 6-9

Achillea millefolium 'Moonshine'

Clumping, compact hybrid with fern-like, aromatic, silvery foliage. Long-lasting, bright lemon-yellow flowers. USDA 3-8

Agastache x 'Blue Boa'

Upright, clumping, fragrant foliage with prolific and showy deep violet bottle brush flowers. This long bloomer tolerates heat and deer. USDA 5-9

Gaillardia grandiflora 'Arizona Red Shades'

Large, plentiful, early blooms of yellow-tipped red. USDA 3-10