Nursery Sales

Malus x domestica 'McIntosh'

This cold-hardy variety produces crisp, sweet, mildly tart fruit that ripens in mid-September. The 'McIntosh' is a manageable sized tree with large, reachable fruits within the first 6-10' of growth. They average out at 15-20' tall and 8-10' wide and create quite an abundant crop when paired with a pollinator, such as the 'Jonathan' and 'Liberty' varieties.

Cornus kousa $219.99
Cornus kousa

The 'Kousa' is a mid-sized variety that maintains an upright, broad growth habit, reaching 25-30' tall and wide at maturity. It produces massive clusters of white, star-shaped flowers in late spring that persist into summer. Its red fall foliage and peeling, gray bark add year-round interest.

Crataegus viridis 'Winter King'

The 'Winter King' is a hawthorn variety that is prized for its silvery-gray, peeling bark and orange-red berries that persist on bare branches through the winter. It will reach 25-35' tall and wide at maturity and is a great option for street planting due to its pollution resistance. Attractive red-centered, white flowers appear in late spring.

Quercus x Kindred Spirit? PP17604

The 'Kindred Spirit' has a dense, columnar growth habit and will reach 30-40' tall and 8-10' wide at maturity. Rich, green foliage turns bronze in the fall.